

Cleaned Up

With the world changing around me, I decided to embrace it instead of battling the inevitable. First changes involved my personal life and the direction it's headed. To become more serious about my endeavors and developing a full thought process, January 1st was the start of me going clean. I wasn't a druggie my any means, but the late night buffets, the pound backs of booze, and the lack of exercise have be dwindled down into leading a opposite route. The lack of blog posts have probably contributed to me easing back into old habits, but letting people know my plans keeps those subconscious habits at bay.

I don't think any college student can say they actually feel good after smoking a blunt to the dome and drinking to 4am. The hangover, the restlessness during productivity, and the lack of concentration seems to be another daunting task, when the simple resolution is to just stop it. This is only a test of my willpower and to prove that I can do something for a long period of time without giving in. Already, I feel better on my worst days and start to speak before I act.

I witnessed hundreds of college kids a couple of nights ago have the fun of their lives until one person to decided to act recklessly and ruin it for many. On what grounds, because the intoxication level that you fed into has now met your testosterone levels and your feeling kind of full of it today. Type of shit is absolutely ridiculous.

During the next couple of months, going to get back into learning mode and even run a half marathon with a friend. It's times like these, in growth, that you start to take in all the good times and all the bad times and start to work your way back to being who everyone expects you to be, but also taking yourself and becoming anything less than amazing.

Expect more blog posts and pictures in 2011 as I'm bringing my Facebook to limited use and the twitter account is no longer. I think more social events are in order, but in person.

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