

Conspiring To Be Great

As the year comes closer to an end, now's the time I close the events of the past and get ready to change for the upcoming year to only be better in health; mentally and physically.

I've tried to live up to the expectations of many, but not myself. Having a bit of a mental purge to
know what my stress triggers are and to finally stop obsessing over the dreams that I thought I'd accomplish, but are filled with months of procrastination.

We always want to be the best at whatever comes our way, but the reality is - we can't all have the world's treasures. Black, white, rich, poor, were all destined for something. It may not align with what or where in life we think we should be, but if we do stop dreaming, what do we strive for.
I'll be starting off small with time devoted to learning French and Spanish followed by publishing my first app in the App Store.

My occupation in retail can only come to a close if I let it and if I'm actively pursuing to leave it. Life can get comfortable, but nothing like the realization you've been stuck in a loop for six years to snap you out of it.

What's your calling?

1 comment:

  1. You can leave your cycle.

    The circle only completes itself with you as the link. You may see the need to meet expectations of others or to make others happy, and you may look inward to see that you yourself are not happy. The two may be related. You may see those you love as ones you need to please and that you may indeed think your current situation has stemmed from choosing to put others before yourself. Or perhaps you may have chosen to put yourself before your career, staying stagnant in a performance sense but being happy all the same because of the choices you make. There is nothing wrong with charity or selflessness or ambition or pride. You may choose any. What is important is being able to look back at your life and say you lived in a way you were proud of. If you were to die tomorrow, would you look back at what you had accomplished and see it as good? Would you be satisfied?

    As a man who put others before himself, to ensure the safety and happiness of others?
    As a man who put himself before his work and accomplished nothing but was happy all the same?
    As a man who accomplished much but was burdened by harsh work and the dwindling relationships he used to have?

    Have you been true to Curtis Chude?

    I hope you accomplish all you set out to. There is much that could stop you, but the first thing you must overcome is yourself.

    Try to be better, as must we all.

