

Reprieve by Exhaustion

Sunday. Routinely the laziest day of the week (if errands are out the way) has been different with a clearer head. Found myself diving into a book, small batch of laundry, 2.5 mile run (and the other .5 walking up hill), and lastly taking public transportation through the city instead of an Uber. Who knew you could get around on trains and buses that don't make you feel like you could catch and STI or something.

Like Sam Smith has mentioned, I've got money on my mind. And thinking more how I need to save it. A proper down payment and realistic look at my finances . Then onto where I should buy.

I've thought about Detroit for years and may need to bite the bullet before the city makes a comeback. Could I live in Michigan again? Maybe - Detroit is a gem that not many people are onto. I've also thought about California, but the market in the Bay Area - FUCK. I'd need a hefty pay increase. Already a work in progress.

This week I hopefully can retrieve my car from the shop, but that'll set me back a couple grand. It'll be nice to have a reliable automobile back, but does anyone usually have a few grand just laying around on a middle class income? Feels like I'm one sneeze away from a life filled with debt.

Aside from all the thoughts of dinero, today felt better when I put my foot to the metal. Getting back to strength training with consistent running could be just the kick I need.


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